All the states allow at least one appeal from the decisions of a court of general jurisdiction. 所有州对一般管辖权法院的判决都允许至少一次上诉。
Cases tried at a court of inferior jurisdiction generally can be retried at a court of general jurisdiction. 在低级管辖权法院审理的案子一般可到一般管辖权法院重审。
General obligation bond a municipal bond backed by the credit and "taxing power" of the issuing jurisdiction, rather than the revenue from a given project. 一般义务债券获得发行政府信贷及“征税权力”担保,而不是一个项目的收入的市政债券。
There are two levels of trial courts in most of the states: courts of inferior jurisdiction and courts of general jurisdiction. 在大多数州,初审法院有两层:低级管辖权法院和一般管辖权法院。
The second tier of federal courts with general appellate jurisdiction consists of the U. 美国地区法院是美国主要的审判级法院,它拥有刑事和民事司法管辖权。
Recognition and Enforcement of the general conditions have qualified with the original decision of the Court's jurisdiction, and so on seven, the text in detail. 承认与执行的条件一般有原判决法院具有合格的管辖权等等七项,文中有具体阐述。
Assistant General Manager assists the GM to manage the departments under his jurisdiction. 副总经理协助总经理做好所辖部门的管理工作。
In addition to the federal courts of general jurisdiction, it has been necessary from time to time to set up courts for special purposes. 除了联邦法院的一般裁判权外,有时也有必要为了特殊目的而设立法庭。
For grave and complex cases, the General Administration of Customs shall designate jurisdiction. 重大、复杂的案件,可以由海关总署指定管辖。
The online e-commerce trade of the copyright is more general. Therefore it has caused the different views to international network copyright trade jurisdiction of the private international law. 版权的网上电子商务交易更加普遍,由此引起了国际私法领域对于国际网络版权贸易管辖权的不同主张。
In addition to general principles such as the principle of the closest relation, the part of General Principles should include adequate stipulations on jurisdiction and recognition'and enforcement of foreign judgements; 总则除规定最密切联系原则等一般原则外,应对管辖权、外国判决的承认与执行作适度规定;
We used the method of investigating the sample and the general survey to investigate and study the plant resources in area of six counties and two districts under Shangqiu ′ s jurisdiction. 采取样方调查结合普查的方法,对商丘市辖区内六县、两区、一市的植物资源进行了调查。
The present article clarifies with emphasis on the procedure legal issue of the general arbitration, include of the jurisdiction of the arbitrators, the application of the procedure law and the substance law, the rules of procedure and proof. 本文重点阐述了普通仲裁的程序法律问题,包括仲裁员的管辖权、仲裁程序法和实体法的适用以及程序和证据规则。
The paper tries to probe into the probability of suggestion system on weighing sentences and gives a general provision, which is on the base of the theory, jurisdiction practice and some useful experiences abroad. 本文从量刑建议的理论基础着手,结合司法实践,参考国外在量刑建议制度中的有益经验对我国确立量刑建议制度的可行性进行了探讨并对该制度在我国的设立作出了初步构想。
According to a notice issued by the General Office of the PRC Supreme People's Court, the local people's court has the jurisdiction over admiralty administrative cases at present. 目前,依据最高人民法院办公厅于2003年8月下发的有关通知的规定,我国的海事行政审判权由地方人民法院行使,而本文的观点是,海事行政审判权由海事法院行使为宜。
The thesis is composed of three chapters: the first studies the general theory of the defence to jurisdiction and proves its neccessity; 全文总共分三章论述,第一章研究民事诉讼管辖异议制度之一般理论,揭示管辖异议制度存在之必然性和必要性;
The Institution of the General Judicial Qualification Examination ( IGJQE) is of great significance to our Chinese jurisdiction. 国家统一司法考试制度的确立对我国司法的发展意义极大。
Second, between limits general region jurisdiction, special region jurisdiction, exclusive jurisdiction, agreement jurisdiction relations. 其二,界定一般地域管辖、特殊地域管辖、专属管辖、协议管辖之间的关系。
Geographical jurisdiction of the system of special problems: special territorial jurisdiction and territorial jurisdiction of the general confusion in logic; special territorial jurisdiction and jurisdiction by agreement confused; contract dispute issues of special territorial jurisdiction; infringement dispute territorial jurisdiction of the special issue. 特殊地域管辖制度的问题:特殊地域管辖与一般地域管辖逻辑关系混乱;特殊地域管辖与协议管辖混同;合同纠纷的特殊地域管辖问题;侵权纠纷的特殊地域管辖问题。
First introduced online trading networks infringement disputes and an overview of general jurisdiction and sublimation from research to use in the online space. 首先介绍了网络交易纠纷和网络侵权纠纷的概述,以及从一般管辖权的研究升华到在网络领域的运用。
But each police station of the user is general manager, but shall be responsible for the internal jurisdiction of entertainment management work. 而各个派出所的用户是普通管理员,只是负责本辖区内部的娱乐场所管理工作。
The safety management goal is to provide security to realize the general objective of management in the jurisdiction unit. 辖区单位安全管理的目标是为了实现辖区内单位管理总目标提供安全保障。
The British usually by the attorney general represents government filed a lawsuit, local governments can also own filed related litigation related to the public interests within the jurisdiction of the court. 英国通常由检查总长代表政府提起诉讼,地方政府机关也可以自己的名义向法院提起关系到辖区内公共利益的相关诉讼。
In general, the criminal jurisdiction of the International Court of Justice and national courts are mainly two kinds of models. This paper demonstrated the characteristics of each, and set out the future direction of international criminal jurisdiction. 一般来说,刑事管辖权主要有国际法院和国内法院两种模式,文中各论证了其特点并阐述了未来国际刑事责任管辖的努力方向。
The unique characteristics of electronic commerce, such as global, virtual and unboundedness, decide the foreign electronic commerce litigation is different from the general foreign civil and commercial litigation. At the same time the electronic commerce challenges the traditional international civil jurisdiction. 涉外电子商务具有全球性、虚拟性及无界性等特性,决定了涉外电子商务诉讼有别于一般涉外民商事诉讼,并对传统的国际民事诉讼管辖权标准提出了挑战。
From the theoretic aspects this paper mainly introduces the restrictions on state sovereignty stem from treaties, customs and general principles of law. From the realistic aspects this paper mainly presents the restriction on countries territorial jurisdiction and judicial jurisdiction. 理论方面主要是包括条约、习惯和一般法律原则在内的传统国际法对国家主权的限制;现实方面主要包括对国家领土管辖权和国家管辖权的限制。